Lisa Michelle Cornelius is an actor, singer, and filmmaker based in Toronto, Canada. Lisa Michelle discovered...
Toronto-based actor Neil Whitely discovered his love for performing at a young age but...
Robbie Messer has held just about every position in a newsroom, from producer to...
In addition to three previous books of fiction, Wendy J. Fox is the author...
Portsmouth City based artist Colin Merrin’s work is deeply absorbing, multifarious, and emotive. He...
Kiran Friesen is an actress and writer, known for Bruiser (2000), Odyssey 5 (2002),...
Purbayan Chatterjee is a world-renowned Indian music maestro known for his ability to fuse...
Gail Aldwin is a novelist, poet, and scriptwriter living in Dorset, England. We had...
Renowned for her remarkable vocal delivery, Audrey DuBois Harris has captivated audiences all over...
The melodic tones coming from his trumpet have hypnotized the crowd into a focused...