Purbayan Chatterjee is a world-renowned Indian music maestro known for his ability to fuse...
Gail Aldwin is a novelist, poet, and scriptwriter living in Dorset, England. We had...
Renowned for her remarkable vocal delivery, Audrey DuBois Harris has captivated audiences all over...
The melodic tones coming from his trumpet have hypnotized the crowd into a focused...
Occhi Contemporary Art Gallery is proud to represent photographer Michael Dooley. Following a degree...
Helping keep LIVE comedy thrive amidst COVID-19 lockdowns, The Secret Show! takes place every...
Canadian actress and director Wendy German started her acting career at Windsor Light Music...
Tapiwa ‘Taps’ Mugadza, known professionally as Taps, is a Zimbabwean soul and pop singer...
The Occhi team is proud and honored to interview the many talented individuals showcased...
Deborah K. Shepherd had to wait some thirty years to finish her first novel,...