Milton Suggs is a talented composer, arranger, and lyricist known for creating honest and...
In an era of global environmental upheaval, the redemptive power of music carves out...
Jo Harrop was born and raised in a small town in Northeast England. Her...
In a world where fleeting celebrities and short-lived trends dominate, Avery Sharpe serves as...
Milton Suggs possesses a voice and musical artistry that is a testament to his...
The EFG London Jazz Festival is now in its 32nd year and has recently...
Mark Wade, a modern jazz composer and bassist, is a bold and versatile musician...
Larnell Lewis is a highly acclaimed musician, composer, producer, and educator. The Grammy Award...
Zachary Finnegan is a talented jazz trumpeter who hails from Chicago, IL. He gained...
Alex Madeline is a saxophonist and composer who produces music that tells stories. He...