In a world where fleeting celebrities and short-lived trends dominate, Avery Sharpe serves as...
Milton Suggs possesses a voice and musical artistry that is a testament to his...
The EFG London Jazz Festival is now in its 32nd year and has recently...
Mark Wade, a modern jazz composer and bassist, is a bold and versatile musician...
Larnell Lewis is a highly acclaimed musician, composer, producer, and educator. The Grammy Award...
Zachary Finnegan is a talented jazz trumpeter who hails from Chicago, IL. He gained...
Alex Madeline is a saxophonist and composer who produces music that tells stories. He...
Acclaimed jazz singer, songwriter, and interpreter, Madeleine Peyroux, is all set to release her...
Tom Maor is a versatile musician known for drumming, composing, and producing. He has...
Lois Deloatch is a well-known artist with a rich contralto voice and an extensive...