The Haunting of Hill House is a creepy series that’s perfect for the Halloween...
Matthew Owen
Universal Studios creative director John Murdy likens horror to the fantasy genre. “There’s a...
Fans of comic books, manga, anime, and animation of all kinds will be surely...
Now that we’ve seen the Marvel movies that were slated for release in 2018,...
Ant-Man and the Wasp continue the story of Scott Lang (Paul Rudd), an everyday...
Solo: A Star Wars Story tells us the origin of fan-favorite character Han Solo,...
Deadpool is back, as is his irreverent humor, bloody sword and gun skills, and...
Avengers: Infinity War is the culmination of 10 years of work. Since the original...
With his latest film release hitting major retailers and on to big VOD...
Blockers follow three high school students on their prom night. In an effort to...