The film ‘Listen Carefully’ is a captivating psychological thriller that highlights Ryan Barton-Grimley’s skillful...
Vivian Kerr’s ‘SCRAP’ is a remarkable directorial debut that captivates audiences with its arresting...
Directed by James Clarke and Daniel Shepherd, Sunray: Fallen Soldier is created by and starring...
Dances With Films’ third edition in New York City is set to take place...
Elysia Rotaru’s acting career includes appearances in several popular television programs such as Eureka,...
In 2017, police officers mistook Ras Judah for a crime suspect. As a result,...
Taxam Films is excited to announce the premiere of the TELUS original feature documentary...
The Trieste Science+Fiction Festival, is the leading event in Italy devoted to science fiction....
Silent Raven Films present Visher, a found footage thriller written and directed by Isaac...
The Movie Partnership recently announced the forthcoming digital release of the crime thriller DarkGame, starring...