South African caper heist comedy feature film, “The Umbrella Men,” is one of the acclaimed films...
Originally from Minneapolis, MN, Brain James Crewe is a graduate of the University of...
Director and Producer Jason Brennan is a proud member of Kitigan Zibi Anishinabeg. Born...
This month sees the North American release of the captivating documentary “Syndrome K”. The documentary,...
Wild Eye Releasing will release a Special Edition Blu-ray of Daniel Benedict’s The Bloody...
Filmmaker Aik Karapetian is a graduate of the Latvian Academy of Culture and has a...
From this August 12th, Adventure Entertainment will bring this beloved epic documentary to audiences...
Darkstar pictures present an 80’s Ozploitation revenge-thriller set in the Australian outback. Mario Andreacchio’s...
Opening with mountainous landscapes and the sound of gunshots in the distance a boy...
Copper Quartz Media recently announced their latest film Okpik: Little Village in the Arctic will premiere on...