With a career spanning four decades, Jasper Cole has established himself as a prominent...
The film ‘Listen Carefully’ is a captivating psychological thriller that highlights Ryan Barton-Grimley’s skillful...
Vivian Kerr’s ‘SCRAP’ is a remarkable directorial debut that captivates audiences with its arresting...
Dances With Films’ third edition in New York City is set to take place...
Two friends are brought to Medellin, Colombia under the guise of a pleasurable business...
The Key West Film Festival has announced its official 2024 lineup, which includes major...
For more than a decade, Bernard Gray has been a standout figure in the...
Taxam Films is excited to announce the premiere of the TELUS original feature documentary...
Boreal Wolf Film Productions and Winter Hawk Studios are pleased to announce that the...
This is the first feature film directed by Joanne Mitchell. It premiered at this...