Woman Meets Girl, written, directed & executive produced by Murry Peeters and starring and produced...
Canadian filmmaker, Shelley Jarrett explores her passion for bringing social injustices to the forefront...
Spanish horror anthology ‘Vampus Horror Titles’ releases this February from Uncork’d Entertainment. The film,...
Dark Star Pictures release Spanish director Ruth Caudeli’s Tribeca title “Petit Mal” in theaters...
Van Jones, media personality, entrepreneur, and change-maker, controversially works across party lines on landmark...
Tasha Hardy is a writer and producer with extensive experience in film and video....
After strong festival play in some of the prestigious film festivals around the globe,...
Moving Images Distribution has announced that Haiti Betrayed will have its theatrical premiere at...
Following the tradition of Creepshow and V/H/S, the Hale Brothers present the horror anthology...
Steve Balderson’s Gothic Love Story Alchemy of the Spirit is currently streaming on Amazon...