Sala Baker, known to Lord of the Rings fans as Sauron, stars in the...
The award-winning ‘A Place of Our Own’ follows Laila & Rashni as they...
Red Water Entertainment has announced its first release of the new year: the North...
After Love, the BAFTA-winning feature debut by Aleem Khan, is releasing in select theaters...
MOMMY OR DADDY? is a film about loneliness and one mother’s journey toward connection...
Ruben Rodriguez’s found footage horror film The Death of April, starring Amy Rutledge, is...
Director Amitabh Reza Chowdhury’s Rickshaw Girl is the winner of ten major film festival...
Death of a Rockstar has been summed up as ”Yellow Submarine” meets “Rocky Horror...
Stephanie Izsak is an award-winning actor, writer, and director with over 20 years of...
After the long-awaited and anticipated release of the sequel to Black Panther, Marvel finally...