Releasing October 18th, “Beyond the Dream” is the true story of two high school...
Vancouver-based writer/director Dr. Jules Arita Koostachin will attend the imagineNATIVE Film + Media Arts...
Throughout the UK Black History Month of October, you can enjoy the best films...
Miida Chu is a Los Angeles-based writer-director on an upward trajectory. She was a...
This is a first-look trailer of the new western action flick ‘Showdown in Yesteryear’.... (SYS), is hosting SYS’s Six-Figure Film Festival and Conference, a conference focusing on...
The Toronto International Film Festival recently announced that Korean-Canadian filmmaker Anthony Shim’s sophomore feature...
Dark Star Pictures has acquired the North American distribution rights to the crime thriller...
The documentary film ‘Young Plato’ will premiere at the Angelika Film Center this Friday...
Greywood’s Plot!, a pitch-black horror/comedy from producers Jason Goldberg (Glorious) and Brandon Waites (Followed),...