Strike Back Studios has released the gripping cinematic racing documentary “Rookie Season” across all TVOD/Digital platforms across North...
It’s been 32 years since this classic movie was made. The theme and plot...
Nail-biting documentary Castro’s Spies, the story of Cuban spies being sent undercover to America...
Actor Matthew Lillard, best known for his roles in the hit films Scream and...
On June 20, 2022, the all-new comedy movie ‘Doula’ will be available to rent...
Production has begun on The Island Between Tides in Prince Rupert, BC. The supernatural thriller...
Rong Fu is a Toronto-based actor and writer working in television, film, and theatre....
Sheri Sussman was born in New York, grew up in Cincinnati, and went to...
Cleopatra Entertainment has unveiled its new Poster Art and Trailer for ‘Dreaming Hollywood’, a...
Utopia has acquired rights to responsible travel documentary feature ‘The Last Tourist’ and has...