Direct from its premiere at Fantasia, Mauro Iván Ojeda’s chilling supernatural thriller The Funeral...
Julian Kim and Peter S. Lee’s acclaimed drama Happy Cleaners will play theaters and...
The critically acclaimed short film, Exam is a gripping story that follows a young...
Utopia Media, the film distribution company whose titles include the official Sundance 2020 selection...
It has been reported that the Oscar and Turner prize-winning director Steve McQueen began...
Loretta S. Todd’s Monkey Beach, starring Grace Dove (The Revenant) and Adam Beach (Windtalkers),...
Women In the Director’s Chair (WIDC) organizers are delighted to announce that Vancouver-based filmmaker Kim Albright is...
Director Alexandre Franchi’s award-winning thriller Happy Face hits theaters and digital this January. The film,...
Dark Star Pictures has acquired critically acclaimed indie auteur Mickey Reece’s award-winning vampire feature...
Ray Whelan is an award-winning Irish actor who won The Jury Prize award for...