Joseph McGovern is a writer and actor, known for All Over Again (2017), Inside Jonathan Fox...
Jeff Auer was born in the Bronx and raised on the Jersey Shore. After...
A71 Releasing Inc. is pleased to announce the digital release of Marie Clements’ award-winning narrative feature...
Occhi Magazine is keen to capture the variety of individuals working in the arts...
Occhi had the opportunity to sit down with internationally recognized producer, Zachary Weckstein. He...
Ukraine is facing hostility by Russia and two American agents (Lorenzo Pisoni and Greg...
Last year Occhi Magazine covered Olicer Muñoz Film Nathan’s Kingdom, a coming-of-age drama about...
Francis Luta is a Canadian filmmaker, born in the Philippines. He was a graphic...
Director Joey Travolta’s Carol Of The Bell’s will ring the bells of inspiration in...
Tina Jung is an award-winning Korean-Canadian actor, writer, and producer. With both parents being...