Actor, producer and acclaimed poet David Bianchi has a string of television appearances on...
Occhi Magazine had the privilege of attending the November premiere of Angelfish, a New...
Helen Johns was born and raised in the UK and found her love for...
Director Robert Conway brings to us a new take on the western film genre....
Come along and unleash an entertainingly fun, hair raising horror film! The ‘Portal’ (2019)...
Uncork’d Entertainment has acquired Lennert Hillege and Guido van Driel’s acclaimed Dutch action-drama Bloody...
T’is The Season For Holiday Horror Films. “Holiday Hell” is a horror anthology that...
If you missed New York Comic Con 2019 event, I have another highlight for...
“What Death Leaves Behind” is a surprisingly great adrenaline rush. Directed by Scott A....
The Oniros Film Awards is a monthly and annual IMDb qualifying competition based in...