Alex is a Ukrainian-Canadian actor, who recently wrapped a feature film that he hopes...
Time flies when you’re having fun. As some of you are realizing just how...
Danielle Inks is one of the leads in the new John Russo film, a...
There was a time when I wanted to fit in. The popular kids were...
Seven And Me is a children’s program that follows a little girl named ‘Snow’, who...
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle is a follow-up film to the 1995 classic, Jumanji. ...
David Lester is a director, producer, and writer based in Toronto. Having been obsessed...
Long ago in a galaxy, far, far away . . . And into the...
Wes Tate has a short film called, “Saturday”, in which he stars and co-wrote....
Bright is the newest Netflix produced a feature film, backed by the biggest budget...