Critically acclaimed and innovative virtuoso Anders Hagberg is a unique soloist on a variety...
Since their debut in 2019, Bristol-based Nu-Metal five-piece NO:IR have evolved their sound from...
Acclaimed trumpet player Terell Stafford is an incredibly gifted and versatile player hailed as...
Following up on the February release of ‘Lightning’, the leading single from their upcoming...
Rosin launched her career last year with her first single Sad Sometimes that garnered...
Independent recording artist and producer Almost Owen has released his new single ‘State of...
Nine years ago, three six-graders ignored all the other trappings of ascendant teenagers and...
A desperado of modern culture, Devora, bridges outlaw country melodies with dark pop hooks...
Originally hailing from Wisconsin, NAACP award-winning actress Talia Jackson, moved to Santa Barbara at...
Well, we can’t get enough of Santi Debriano at Occhi Magazine! Santi Debriano has...