The emotionally charged ‘Deep Blue’ is Federer’s first fully self-produced track, and follows February’s...
The Clockworks have a strong, punchy dynamic, drawing on intense post-punk influenced music to...
World sound/Ingrooves/UMG announce the first single and collaboration between singer/songwriter Hayley Sales and Hollywood icon Sharon Stone titled...
Tarus Mateen is a name that makes people’s heads nod in reverence in many...
Seasoned singer-songwriter, instrumentalist, and performer Joshua Benjamin’s new single ‘Here’s To You’ was written...
Canadian singer and songwriter Miranda Joan was born in Montréal and raised in Vancouver....
Marked by introspective lyricism, mournful melodies, lush blankets of driving guitars, and wistful vocal...
Indie alternative band ‘Brother.’ is based out of Salt Lake City, Utah. Bringing together...
TJ ‘Holyboy’ Johnson is an experienced musician who has played to many international audiences....
Junket, the four-piece alternative rock band from Orange County, is back with new music...