Sergio Mendes: In the Key of Joy, documents a unique look into the Brazilian...
Princeton Holt’s comic fantasy “2050” is released On Demand and DVD this January from...
Old Māmalahoa is a Powers, Oregon-based duo from Hawaii’s Big Island. They recently finished...
Grammy-nominated singer/songwriter Seth Glier’s new track is entitled “Stages”. The new release draws upon...
The Mowgli’s new track ‘Fighting With Yourself’ narrates accepting change and not fighting against...
Ursae is a Brooklyn-via-Bay Area indie-pop project by artist/singer Andy Campbell. Campbell’s earnest songwriting,...
Chicago-based duo Autograf announced the release of their new song ‘Ain’t Deep Enough’ this...
‘Colour of the Jungle’ is a five-piece rock band from Portsmouth, UK. The band’s...
Ray Angry is a classically trained pianist, producer, musical director and one of the...
Growing up between the East and West coasts, American singer-songwriter and actor Dante Palminteri...