Jeannie Seely’s deep, moving vocals earned her the nickname “Miss Country Soul,” a title...
Los Angeles-based singer-songwriter and producer Darius Martin pioneers expansive alt R&B music complete with...
Street Fever is a versatile, mixed-media performance artist residing in Boise, Idaho. Their music...
Alternative pop artist ROKI appeared on the music scene with a distinctive sound that...
Mandi Crimmins is the chaotically-relatable rockstar you’ve been searching for. This Los Angeles-based Berklee...
Nicole Zignago is a singer and songwriter who has spent most of her time...
Following the release of 2023’s celebrated debut studio EP ‘Trials & Tribulations’, Bristol-based alt-rock...
Yarin Glam is a pop, R&B artist from Los Angeles. Born and raised in Israel, Yarin‘s Middle...
Catchy pop act The Dream Eaters are vocalist Elizabeth LeBaron, originally from Calgary, and singer/songwriter Jake Zavracky, originally...
At just 21 years old, LARA D is already making waves in the Australian...