Los Angeles – Mirrortree Productions and Mighty Pharaoh Films announce the premiere of the...
Today, Toronto-based rapper, Cadence Weapon (aka Roland “Rollie” Pemberton), premieres My Crew (Woooo), on...
A singer, rapper, poet, author, speaker and all-around mogul, Dessa can be forgiven for...
When Ann Arbor’s Tadd Mullinix began exploring Hip-Hop under the name Dabrye 20-years ago,...
Calgary, AB – January 25, 2018 – Super Speed Dates, a short comedy film...
Look At Me Films today has released the poster for its newest genre film HUNTING...
An independent science-fiction movie starring Malibu-based actress Tracey Birdsall has been officially recognized by...
A Blue World Order is available nationwide on VOD and DVD from Random Media. Jake...
His Dream Was to Tap. This January experience the joy and spectacle as writer-director...
It is with a great deal of pride and excitement that we can announce...