Dependent’s Day is a story about two young lovers living in L.A., leading two...
Henry has long been a fan of Agnetha’s webcam performances. Finally, getting the courage...
Shinobi Ninja, a rather unique outfit hailing from Brooklyn, is an enigmatic entity to...
King Kong is a film icon, representing the progression of the film industry throughout...
There are few things that can make a modern music critic cringe harder than...
The X-Men universe is a strange one, and rather complex. With multiple timelines and...
With DC failing miserably at every turn with their ill-fated cinematic universe films, I...
If you’re a fan of horror or thriller films, you’ve probably heard of the...
I caught up with the creators of Elena, Darren Pearce and Stuart Jennett. Elena...
Film Director River Finley spent years in Latin America, She worked as a public...