Directed by David Liz, The Welder features a young couple Roe (Roe Sterling) and...
Things take a turn for the extreme worse when Vincent, brilliantly played by Anthony...
The Underbug, which premiered at this year’s Slamdance Festival, was written by Abbas Dalal,...
Angie Wells began her singing career in an intimate little supper club in St....
Ray Palousek is a pop, jazz, and R&B singer/songwriter and pianist from Holland, TX....
Writer/director Vibeke Muasya’s unnerving Danish horror-thriller ‘Twisted’ is currently in selected theaters and available...
William Bagley’s comedy horror/thriller ‘The Murder Podcast,’ will grab your attention. This humourous horror...
Veteran Jazz vocalist Lainie Cooke’s Happy Madness is a musical interpretation of elevated bliss...
Mark Savage-directed actioner Bring Him Back Dead starring action veterans Gary Daniels (The Expendables),...
Part of the 2022 Windrush film festival lineup includes Cassie Quarless and Usayd Younis’s...