Gabby Durden’s dedication to music began with a life-altering knock on the door. Her...
The Bristol dark-fuzz trio Holy Reptile are pleased to reveal ‘The Land’, their latest...
Singer and songwriter ‘bexx’ is a seriously exciting new talent in the UK pop...
Three Eyes is the moniker of California native Jewel Marsh, whose knack for sonic...
Montreal’s Tina Leon is a singer and songwriter who draws her inspiration from the...
Butterfly Haus (music formerly made under the moniker “SAZE”) is the Brooklyn-based indie-alternative music...
Linda Varg is a Swedish pop artist who brings a unique and fresh sound...
Connor Kirk is a Philadelphia-based art-rock artist known for his electric stage performances, his...
Melbourne artist, Nat Vazer, is known for her heart-stopping lyrics that weave between confessional...
Skofee is a rising pop artist based in Los Angeles. Her music is left-of-center while maintaining...