Tommy Newport is known for his irresistible falsetto-steeped indie anthems, garnering a substantial buzz...
The last two years have proven that the 23-year-old independent R&B/Soul singer-songwriter Gaidaa is a force to...
Don’t miss R&B singer-songwriter Joyce Wrice’s return with the release of the new EP, Motive,...
Northwestern Ohio native Gabrielle Vaughn started to perform in countless venues around the Ohio...
Acclaimed alt-pop duo ‘joan’ has released their highly anticipated single and video for “don’t wanna...
EUT continues to transcend sonic depths. The Dutch five-piece creates blissful, eternally youthful music...
A true definition of fiery feminism, Pinkfiz is an independent alt-rock artist hailing from...
Ceara Cavalieri is a 26-year-old singer/songwriter from Southern California. Having graduated from UCLA with...
California native Grace Leer began singing at the age of six. She made the...
From the mountains of Sparta, North Carolina to the stages of Nashville, Tennessee, singer-songwriter...