Gal Musette is the nom de plume of Grace Freeman, a musical prodigy who began...
Nightshifts is the recording project of Toronto-based songwriter Andrew Oliver. He works his magic...
Country/Pop artist Abigail Neilson drops her single entitled, ‘November Air’ today. For Neilson, the...
Formed in 2015 by long-time collaborators Charlie Fitzgerald and Rhii Williams, Little Thief creates...
Hannah Robinson is a singer-songwriter from the south coast of England, whose music blends...
Celebrating 30 years as a band, Toad the Wet Sprocket is still making music...
Provocative pop phenomenon Miss Madeline is burning up the hot girl summer with her...
Tapiwa ‘Taps’ Mugadza, known professionally as Taps, is a Zimbabwean soul and pop singer...
Mason Rose Gray is a singer/songwriter based in Florida. Creating music with the sole...
Natalie Claro is an alternative pop/rock/R&B artist based in Nashville, TN. She is the...