Sam Willoughby is an accomplished singer, songwriter, multi-instrumentalist and producer. His talents are enshrined in...
The emotionally charged ‘Deep Blue’ is Federer’s first fully self-produced track, and follows February’s...
Canadian singer and songwriter Miranda Joan was born in Montréal and raised in Vancouver....
Having dabbled in music for several years, Shayla McDaniel began to take her music...
Indie alternative band ‘Brother.’ is based out of Salt Lake City, Utah. Bringing together...
TJ ‘Holyboy’ Johnson is an experienced musician who has played to many international audiences....
The very talented Singer-Songwriter Sharlene-Monique made her 2021 return with the new empowering song...
Adams Traktor is a music project formed by JR Smith from Seattle, Washington to...
Manchester UK-based friends Will and Dave form the band Meena. Their single “God’s Free...
Crys Matthews is an award-winning, prolific lyricist and composer who skilfully blends Americana, folk,...