March 18, 2025

Sergio Mendes: In the Key of Joy, documents a unique look into the Brazilian icon’s life. Directed by John Scheinfeld (The U.S. vs. John Lennon, and  Chasing Trane: The John Coltrane
Documentary) it celebrates the transcendent musical achievements of the legendary musician. One of the most successful musicians of all time, Mendes is a three-time Grammy Award winner and has recorded more than 35 albums, most of which have gone gold or platinum. Beyond the music, we are exposed to the serendipitous journey of Sergio’s life.

Born in the small town of Niteroi, Brazil, Sergio suffered a bone disease that left him in a cast for three years. Unable to play sports with the other children, Sergio’s mother bought him a piano. He took to the instrument immediately, studying classical piano through his childhood. His interest in jazz would grow, playing in nightclubs as he got older. This was in the late 1950s at the time that bossa nova, jazz-influenced music spawned from Samba, was thriving. Mendes embraced bossa nova, touring Europe and the United States, eventually moving to the U.S. in 1964. The masses were drawn to the authenticity of Sergio’s compositions. His success did not explode, until he signed with A&M records, forming the group Brasil 66. The success of this group took the world by storm, but even international success could not prevent the iconic lead singer(Lani Hall) from quitting so that she could settle down with the head of A&M, Herb Alpert. Gracianha Leporace would replace her, and they would record many more successful albums. Gracianha would also eventually become Sergio’s second wife. They are still married to this day.

Sounding like a modern-day novela, it would have been easy to just document the events as they happened. Fortunately, Scheinfeld weaves the intricate journey of Sergio’s life in a compelling fashion. The height of bossa nova would fade, but after a long hiatus, Sergio crossed genres and dominated the charts with the soulful 1983 hit, Never Gonna Let You Go. He would then release smaller projects dear to his heart, eventually leading to another chart-topper in 2006, featuring There are musical stories of revelation, but also little-known tales such as a struggling young actor named Harrison Ford, who happened to build Sergio’s home studio, despite not having a clue what he was doing. We also get to hear the great Pele sing, which is worth the price of admission in itself.

From Sergio’s years pioneering bossa nova to his current work with John Legend, In the Key of Joy not only documents the events in between but allows us to experience the emotion
behind the journey. It is a must-see for anyone who loves a good story.

Movie Rating:5 stars.

Movie Rating Guide

1 Star = Unwatchable
2 Stars = Cannot Recommend
3 Stars = Great for the Fans
4 Stars = A Solid Movie
5 Stars = Must Own (DVD/Stream Download)

Photo credits-  Courtesy of Sicily Publicity. Featured image by Guy Webster.


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1 thought on "The New Sergio Mendes Documentary Provides A Key of Joy!"

  1. Sergio Mendes is incredible. I have listened to him since the 1960’s. I think I drove my parents crazy playing the record albums I had.

    His music has always said something and been relevant through all these years. Going to Amazon to pre-order the CD

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