March 20, 2025
Tiffie The Sassy Reviewer

There was a time when I wanted to fit in. The popular kids were cool, while the nerds were often harassed and bullied. I was in high school without the musical, unless you count the terrified screams of a few nerds being pranked by some of the football jocks. That was sweet music to their ears. [cringe] My harassment was amplified because I was a young Black female, who was as nerdy and geeky as they come. All that was missing was the stereotypical pocket protector and the thick, black-rimmed glasses. I got all the weird jokes and subtext. I installed computer hardware. I fixed my computer’s bios issues. Theoretical science fascinates me. I didn’t play with Barbie dolls. I made toys out of my mom’s sponge rollers and used them to have strategic battles on our dining room table. I was forever disassembling things to see how they work. Once I was satisfied, I would reassemble it. My mom is still fuming over her Timex watch. That was the only thing I couldn’t reassemble and, dude, she never lets me forget it! [lol] Also, I mostly played with boys because they built forts and had commando raids. “You shall not pass!” And according to the popular “How Nerdy Are You?” quizzes, I always rank 94%.
Tiffie The Sassy Reviewer
No Bear Face Lies Snapchat Lens

I’m an original nerd and geek. I was this way before we became mainstream and had our own television show-The Big Bang Theory. Now, it’s cool to be a nerd, to wear the glasses, watch all the nerdy movies and announce on social media just how nerdy you are. You see the social hashtags everywhere, such as #nerdgirlsrule and #geekgirls, just to name two. Boy, times have changed. No longer are we ridiculed for dressing up as our favorite characters and attending fan conventions. We are photographed and admired for our ingenuity and creativity. Sometimes we experience jealousy for freely living our lives without constraints or concerns of how others view us.

You’re going to learn something today [in my Bill Nye, The Science Guy voice]! Did you know nerds are responsible for the innovations in technology that many enjoy today? If it wasn’t for nerds focusing on the future and making the world a better place, where would we be? So, I’m proud to be a nerd and a geek. I guess you could call me a “Neek™” (make note of the “™” symbol). What’s the difference between these labels? Some say the difference between a nerd and a geek is one is anti-social and the other is social. Nerds are highly-intellectual and obsessive over their work, always data-gathering, data-mining, and using applied physics and/or mechanics. Geeks are obsessed with intellectual pursuits and philosophical debates, always information-gathering, analyzing, and theorizing. However, these labels are interchangeable. Nerd and geeks are not the “one size fit” all terminology anymore.

2018 has arrived! Yay! Time to fully embrace my nerdy, geeky ways and celebrate being the unique individual that I am. No longer do I care what people may say or think. I’ll always be applauded by several and treated differently by others, who don’t quite understand what it means to “just be yourself.” I’m happy and satisfied. Not many people can say that! As for my family, half of us are nerds/geeks, ranging from MIT graduates to librarians. My degree is in network, design, and media. I’m in good company! My non-nerd/geek family members appreciate us and bring us their inoperable computers to fix. [lol]

I’m embarking on a new adventure. Uh, oh! I’m starting a web series called Tiffie The Sassy Reviewer™. I’ll have this animated character, or not, who will conduct reviews. I’m still working out the details.  Gads! Anyway, it will launch in 2018. The show will focus on film, music, products, and life. You may find it enjoyable or a flaming pile of unicorn hockey! Who knows?! Art is subjective and I’m made of rubber. Also,  I’m abrasion resistant, so negative comments will bounce off me. Watch your head!

I hope you enjoyed my late night ramblings. It’s 2:45 AM in New York. I’m awake. I’m writing, installing SSL on a server, and just being “a nerd girl living a geek lifestyle™”. I write, film, photograph, and design. I’m the Managing Editor of  @YourFilmReview. Director @DVDNetflix. Oh, and I love Jehovah God and Jesus. Why did I write this piece? I wrote it because I can’t fit this into a bio. Remember, no constraints! [lol]

Fun Facts About Me:

  1. I still whistle the Imperial Death March theme, while walking down grocery aisles (I’m 5’11 and that’s impressive).
  2. I love discovering new things, including international cuisine (how I ended up with multiple skills).
  3. I still love to disassemble and reassemble things (nothing expensive, though).
  4. I love guys who aren’t afraid to embrace their “nerdy nature” (call me).
  5. I still have my fluffy teddy bear (he’s old and worn out but still comforts me).
  6. I love to analyze characters (the reason behind the Kylo Ren piece).
  7. Theoretical scientists are hot (the reason I love the Science Channel).
  8. I’m a Star Wars, Star Trek, Stargate, and all sci-fi/fantasy loving, girl (bring it!).
  9.  I love movies, but those old black and whites are my favorite, including the musicals (the reason I sing karaoke).
  10. I love all music, except Bluegrass. My favorite is Opera and the Japanese Harp (the reason why I do music production).

Connect with Me:

Twitter: @TiffUnscripted
Instagram: @TiffanyUnscripted
Facebook: @TiffanyUnscripted
Snapchat: @TiffUnscripted

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