October 18, 2024

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Tafari (pronounced Ta-far-eye) Anthony is a Toronto based artist we’ve had the pleasure of featuring during 2020. Blending Pop, R&B, and Soul, he’s unveiled a six-track EP titled’ The Way You See Me. We had the pleasure of speaking to him about the album, his career, and future projects.

Thank you for agreeing to this interview with Occhi Magazine.  Congratulations on your career to date. If you weren’t an artist, what would you be and why?

Thank you! Honestly, If I wasn’t doing music, I kinda think I would be doing something in tech. I’ve always loved new gadgets and learning about the advancements in consumer tech.

How did you get into music?

Both of my parents were in music when I was growing up. So, once they found out I could sing and had an interest in it, that was pretty much it. I started performing and recording instantly. But I think it wasn’t until I went to college and stopped doing music that I really found the love for it for my own self.

You’re a Toronto Independent Music Award Nominee and your music has been considered by CBC as some of the most influential music in 2016, but what would you say has been your most fulfilling accomplishment to date?

Pushing out this EP this year! It has been a long road to getting my sound to this point. I had to really be steadfast in my vision and seeking out the right people to help see it through. It wasn’t an easy decision or task to continue with the release plans when the pandemic fully hit. So, I’m really proud that I decided to push through and figure out how to still make it happen.

Please tell us more about your latest project ‘ The Way You See Me’.

This project has basically been a 3-year process; I took 2018 to really focus on writing and figuring out exactly what I wanted to say and where I wanted to go next. 2019 was dedicated to getting this handful of songs recorded and produced and really hone in on the sound. Most of it was done remotely – I would record the vocals here in Toronto and then send them to the producers to finish up. I ended up working with Alexander Flockhart on the majority of the EP. We connected through the platform Soundbetter and just clicked instantly. I also met Alex Shenkman there, who produced “When I Come to You”. I then worked with Brandon Unis, OBLVYN & Kelly Alaina on “Centerfold” after finishing a Western Canada tour. I decided to stay in Alberta a bit longer and ended up taking a bus to Edmonton to meet them all for the first time and this song was the result of that. “Feel The Love” was written and produced with Jason Couse & Wes Marskell here in Toronto; again this song came out of the first time we all met and were in a room together. The only collaborator on the EP that I knew previous to working on it was BLUE WILL. We have become fast friends over the last few years, and it was so exciting to finally work on something like “One for You” together.

What has been your biggest challenge as an artist and how do you overcome it?

The biggest challenge as an independent artist really is keeping up with the consistency. Things move so fast in music now that it can be quite challenging to keep up when you have limited resources. It’s honestly the reason why I have to wait so long between projects because I want to make sure I have the proper funds in place to roll out the release in the best way possible. Typically having the funds mean you can have more visibility, which in turn means more growth for your career.

Who would you love to collaborate with and why?

It would be a dream right now to collaborate with Charlie Puth, MNEK, and/or Tayla Parx. They all just have work that I respect so much and I would be thrilled to see how we’d work together, and what could come out of it. Plus, I really think I could be friends with all of them!

Can you share any information on other projects in the pipeline?

I have a couple of things in the works for the new year… but all still a little bit on the hush! But when it’s coming you will know! Where can our readers find out more about you and your projects? Note: please provide website and social media links. To find out more about me you can head to my website TafariAnthony.com. you’ll find merch, all the music, and social links there. Or follow me @TafariAnthony on the various platforms!

Photography by Daniel Lastres


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