March 18, 2025

Valérian and Laureline is a French science-fiction comic series created by writers Pierre Christin and Jean-Claude Mézières. The first publication was in 1967 in Pilote magazine. It comprises of twenty-one volumes, with the final installment published in 2010. The graphic novel centers on a spatio-temporal agent named Valérian and his fearless colleague, Laureline. They transverse space an time, with plots that combines space opera with time travel. The Fifth Element, anyone? If you’re thinking that, then you are correct. Luc Besson, the co-writer and director of the cult classic The Fifth Element, has given life to the novel. Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets is a film produced, written, and directed by Luc. It stars Dane DeHaan (The Amazing Spider-Man 2 )  and Cara Delevingne (Suicide Squad ).

Trailer first impression – I had that classic scifi vibe. I do see elements of The Fifth Element, no pun intended! It’s one of my all-time, favorites! It also had that The Hitchiker’s Guide to the Galaxy feel, too.  The trailer starts out with the lead actors arriving home from some excursion, to the song Because by The Beatles. This is truly driving home that classic feeling.  So, we have romantic entanglement, space battles, aliens, and Rihanna? Wait! Yes, at 1:19 in the trailer, you will catch a split-second of Pop singer, Rihanna, appearing like a Las Vegas showgirl, wearing a blonde wig. Don’t blink or you’ll miss it! She plays Bubble in the movie. It also stars Rutger Hauer (Blade Runner), Ethan Hawke (Dead Poets Society), and Clive Owen (The Bourne Identity). See full cast list at the IMDB site.

It’s scheduled for release July 21, 2017. View trailer here: Valerian and the City of a Thousand Planets Official Teaser Trailer

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Photo credit: EuropaCorp


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