October 8, 2024

“With Peter Bradley”, which premiered at this year’s Slamdance Film Festival, is a documentary celebrating artmaking, resilience, and the creative contributions of black artists to American life. This documentary is undoubtedly a timely and poignant narrative. It is shamelessly untamed, compassionate, and moving in its documenting the life of the unique and intriguing Peter Bradley. Audiences can expect an exhibition of the artist’s life in real-time, interlaced with stills, interviews, and additional striking visual imagery, that provides a narrative on the life of a truly iconic and innovative artist.  Forging a career and reputation in the face of systemic racism in society and the art world in particular, Peter Bradley built an incredible resumé before the age of 35: the first African American art dealer on Madison Avenue (at the prestigious Perls Galleries); and curator of what is considered the first racially integrated modern art show in America (The DeLuxe Show in Houston).

Alex Rappoport’s documentary provides an opening for understanding Bradley’s innovative methods of applying paint to canvas, inspired by nature and the colorful flowers he tends daily in his garden and greenhouse. My interest in the artist is matched by an enjoyment of Javon Jackson’s score, which responds to Bradley’s love of jazz and is a perfect musical accompaniment to the film’s measured pace and delivery. The film does well to exhibit Bradley’s character, dedication to his artistry, and approach to life, leaving you hungry for more insight into his world. This is a thoroughly enjoyable documentary to watch, leaving you inspired to create!

Movie Rating: 4 stars.

Movie Rating Guide

1 Star = Unwatchable
2 Stars = Cannot Recommend
3 Stars = Great for the Fans
4 Stars = A Solid Movie
5 Stars = Must Own (DVD/Stream Download)

Visit the official movie website


Images provided, courtesy of Cinematic Red

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