May 1, 2024
Sophia Watson

We had the awesome opportunity to interview writer and actress Sophia Watson on her short film, #SLUT, that will premiere at the 2019 FirstGlance Film Festival in Los Angeles on March 14-17th. #SLUT details the struggle of an average high school girl being manipulated by a person in power, after she was bullied at school and on social media. Check out the interview below.

Hi, Sophia! Thank you for granting the interview. Congrats on your new film #SLUT. Not only did you write it, but you’re also starring in the short! Tell us what inspired the award-winning script.

Actually a song! By one of my favorite bands. It’s called Youarefire by LANY. As well as some personal experiences I had in high school with bullying and seeing people being slut-shamed. I wanted to write something that would bring awareness to how people treat each other and hopefully encourage people to treat everyone around them with kindness.

Did you have to undergo specific training for your role as Grace?

Yes, for the fight scene. I learned from our stunt coordinator how to work with pads and how to make the fight look real. We also had a color code system that kept the actors safe and made sure we were all ok after every take.

According to IMDb description, “A young writer’s life is mysteriously impacted through his writing about an innocent girl at your every day high school who falls prey to a handsome predator in a position of power.” Tell us more.

Hahaha . . . It’s only eleven and a half minutes so I can’t tell you too much! But I think it’s really good and tackles a lot of issues in our society right now. There’s a twist at the end that will make you think.

Is it a challenge to star in a film you wrote?

No, I would say that it’s almost easier because I know Grace so well and what she would say or do next in any situation.

#SLUT has an amazing cast. Each talent is perfect for their roles.

Thank you! Absolute facts! I am so grateful each one of them could be a part of this movie. Jesse Gallegos, who plays the mysterious writer, was amazing and pulled off exactly what I envisioned for that complex role. He brought so much to the character. Keller Fornes, who plays another pivotal character, was perfect at playing the range that his character needed. Not to mention how amazing they were just personally to work with. Every single person on this set was great, from the leads to every background actor. The film wouldn’t be what it is without every single person in the cast.

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Tell us about what a typical day on the set was like.

We got up early, worked all day and I loved every minute of it. It was insane to see something I had written alone in my bed, often at 3 am, come to life in such an amazing way.

What is going to surprise people about the film?

The ending!

Without giving anything away, what’s your favorite line of dialogue from the film and why?

“One small lapse of judgment can change lives forever.” I think it captures the seriousness of what people say and do to others and how it affects people more than you may know.

When looking back on the production, what resonated with you the most and why?

The teamwork. Everyone is so important on a set. Every single person who is there had a purpose and made the film better.

In your opinion, what scene in the film is going to blow people away and why?

I’d say there are two. One you will know when you see it because of the intensity and then the other is the ending.

What did you enjoy most about your character and role?

I like that she was not the usual role that I play.

Do you have anything else you would like to share about the film?

Remember #SLUT and hopefully, you can see it soon! The trailer is linked to our website at I’m on Facebook @SophiaWatsonOfficial (Sophia Watson Page) and on Instagram @luvthor and Twitter @SophiaWatson.

I want women and anyone who’s been called a #SLUT to take the word back for themselves!! We will be selling really cool official #SLUT merchandise on the website soon! A portion of the proceeds will be going to anti bullying organizations. You can contact us on our website also.

Do you have anything else you would like to share about your career?

I plan on writing and acting for the rest of the time I’m on this Earth. Currently, I’m working on my next script and audition!

Thank you for chatting with us about your career. I hope we can catch up in the future for another interview.

Thank you so much for this opportunity to talk about #SLUT. Come see it at FirstGlance Film Festival on Friday, March 15th, 2019 at 3:15 –5:15 PM at the beautiful Laemmle Theater NOHO on Lankershim. Please follow me at the socials above!!

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