Julius Cho is a Canadian Film, TV, and voice actor, known for his role...
Tasha Hardy is a writer and producer with extensive experience in film and video....
Known to have a smooth yet powerful voice, Jamal Lamont is one of Los...
Rakhee Morzaria is a comedian and actress who stars on the hit CBC comedy...
Kira Nelson is an Australian actress gaining recognition for her role in the short...
Walid Chaya is a Middle Eastern actor, director, and writer based in Los Angeles....
Songwriter, composer, playwright, and actor Marie-Claire Giraud was born on the island of Dominica,...
Stephanie Izsak is an award-winning actor, writer, and director with over 20 years of...
New York-based Steve Shapiro is a busy producer, composer, and session musician. His credits...
Anthony Taddeo is a percussionist, composer, and performer residing in Cleveland, Ohio. He has...