Sound the siren! the critically acclaimed, internationally award-winning Driving While Black, from filmmaker Paul...
Los Angeles, CA – Surge of Power Enterprises is proud to announce the theatrical debut...
Saturday Night Live’s Paul Brittain leads an outrageous cast of familiar faces in the...
I remember standing in line for five hours to see Star Wars: A New...
This is, without a doubt, one of the most bizarre and darkly unnerving short...
Careers can produce a wide variety of interesting stories, it’s one of the reasons...
When I watched Dead Meet I was amazed to see how utterly abrasive and...
Recently, Hollywood has a tendency taking classical characters or storylines and giving it a...
Pulse is the second film in Oxygen Film’s “Odyssey” series, a collection of works...
Books made into movies are always some of hardest ordeals in the film industry...