William Bagley’s comedy horror/thriller ‘The Murder Podcast,’ will grab your attention. This humourous horror...
Emma Smith is an ascending star with diverse and extensive experience performing in varying...
Striking while the iron is hot, Afro-fusion Nigerian breakout star Lojay is back with...
This month sees the North American release of the captivating documentary “Syndrome K”. The documentary,...
Veteran Jazz vocalist Lainie Cooke’s Happy Madness is a musical interpretation of elevated bliss...
Uncork’d Entertainment is set to release Alrik Bursell’s highly-anticipated sci-fi thriller The Alternate this...
Darkstar pictures present an 80’s Ozploitation revenge-thriller set in the Australian outback. Mario Andreacchio’s...
Opening with mountainous landscapes and the sound of gunshots in the distance a boy...
Carter & the Capitals are a high-energy five-piece funk group from Edmonton, Alberta. Known...
Apollo Lovely is the musical brainchild of Vietnamese-Irish-American Kim Ho. His music has an...