Hi, James! Thank you for granting the interview. Congrats on your role as Marcus Bradley in the “Unconditional” movie. What should the audience expect?
The audience should expect an emotional ride, as they see life being displayed in a way that can and does happen to couples when they aren’t living a “righteous path.”
[su_pullquote align=”right”]”I was disgusted by my character, however, I learned to understand what being an asshole is like.”[/su_pullquote]Tell us about Marcus. Who is he? What is his personality like?
Marcus Bradley is 35 years old, married to Janeen Bradley, works in sales management, likes to work out, and spend time with his friends and family. He likes to have a good time and is up for just about anything.
What role does Marcus play in the movie?
Marcus is the neighbor and best friend of the lead character Adam Ward. Marcus definitely isn’t afraid to make a pass or two at women, even if they are married. He’s definitely the bad boy of the movie.

Was it a challenge to play Marcus? Did you have to pull from experience?
Oh, geez! Here’s the God’s honest truth. When I was approached to play the role of Marcus I recalled a similar experience. So, to play that part was challenging. I was disgusted by my character, however, I learned to understand what being an asshole is like. Admittedly, a guy like Marcus is selfish and only cares about getting what he wants. Of course, I overcame the challenge and wrapped my mind around the role. Once I did that, I realized it was kind of fun and gave into the character.
How did you get the role?
So, I have a couple of talent agencies in St. Louis, MO (Talent Plus and Now Talent) that I work with and Davide Tomei reached out to them about me possibly playing the lead. I asked to read the script and it’s the only script I’ve ever not been able to put down. I read it in one setting. It was so good! After talking to Davide and Braden Barton about the script, they invited me to Carbondale, Illinois to shoot the teaser trailer for the film as the lead. It was an amazing experience. Once they went to cast the film, they decided Marcus would be a better fit due to my body type and look at the time.
[su_pullquote align=”left”]”As we worked together, we pushed each other to give everything we had to the film and story.”[/su_pullquote]The subject matter of the movie is intense. How does the movie production bring something new to the story?
In a way, I feel like displaying the dysfunctional side of society educates us on what can and will probably happen, if you partake in the partying lifestyle while trying to have a committed relationship. It usually ends very badly for all involved, but a lot of humans still do it because of the rush and escape.
What is going to surprise people about Marcus?
I think the character arc for sure. Not to give anything away, but he does go through a metamorphosis. You must watch the film and see!
Without giving anything away, what’s your favorite line of dialogue and why?
For me, it’s when Marcus and Jeneen go over for dinner to Adam and Evelyn’s house. Marcus says to Adam, “What have you been up to you old Scallywag?” Originally, the line was, “What have you been up to you old coot?” I love to bring something to the character and if a line doesn’t feel right it’s great when the director allows the actors to try different things and make it their own. Braden was great at letting the actors talk through a scene and give us freedom within the characters.

When looking back on the production, what resonated with you the most and why?
The passion and professionalism of the cast and crew. Everyone brought their “A” game to set each day. As we worked together, we pushed each other to give everything we had to the film and story.
In your opinion, what scene in the movie is going to blow people away and why?
The conclusion. The way the story is written it makes you want to see what is going to happen next and the end scene is really good. It keeps you begging for more.
What do you enjoy most about your character and role?
I love filmmaking and the challenge of becoming Marcus. I’m not quite as bold as he is, so it was the most enjoyable part of playing the role. He just does what he feels and loves doing all of the time.
Do you have anything else you would like to share about the movie?
If you have Amazon Prime you can see Unconditional for FREE! For anyone that has ever wanted to make a feature-length movie, definitely read everything on the “Unconditional” movie on Facebook, to get some insight on how to make this type of film, including the production, process, and development.
Thank you so much for your time and the interview. It was a lot of fun thinking about this film and what we all went through to make it come to life.
[su_youtube url=”https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=2GW1KElZKWg”]
You can watch the movie on Amazon.
Connect with James:
IMDb: https://www.imdb.com/name/nm6201264
Twitter: https://twitter.com/tweedie_james
Instagram: https://instagram.com/jamestweedie1
Facebook: https://www.facebook.com/James-M-Tweedie-340709992778891