May 16, 2024

Toronto born and raised Zahra Bentham is a rising star in film and television. She studied Drama Focus, Music Theatre, and Dance Intensive for four and a half years at Wexford Collegiate School for the Arts before training with celebrated acting coaches such as Robyn Kay and Star Trek: Voyager’s Tom Todoroff. Zahra’s break came when she starred in the comedy feature film Guidance as Jabrielle Crain. The film made its world premiere at the 2016 Toronto International Film Festival. She currently stars in the Netflix drama Spinning Out. We had the pleasure of speaking to her about her career, current projects, and ambitions.

Hi, Zahra! Thank you for granting the interview. Congratulations on your role in the Netflix drama Spinning Out. For those unfamiliar with the series, can you provide a synopsis and what viewers should expect?

Thank you! Thank you! If I could keep it short and sweet – Spinning Out is like a Riverdale meets I, Tonya meets Black Swan but….. better. I mean, you’d have to watch it yourself to be the real judge though! Spinning Out follows the subjects of depression and mental illness but told honestly and compassionately. Specifically, we highlight Bipolar disorder and the struggles of dealing with that and the everyday lives we choose. Mental health has been such an important topic that it is becoming more normal to discuss these issues within our households and among friends. I mean, the fact that Netflix gave us a platform to talk about this is huge. That in itself shows the progression and how far we can take the information we are learning to heal and get the proper tools we need for ourselves. All in all, though if it has its major drama and cattiness that makes any binge watchable show entertaining.

You also star as Nettie Ransom alongside Tiffany Haddish, Octavia Spencer and Kevin Carroll in the new and highly anticipated series about the African American entrepreneur Madam C.J. Walker, who built a haircare empire that made her America’s first female self- made millionaire. Please tell us more about the production.

Man, what a pleasure it’s been to be apart of the limited series. In Self Made: Inspired by the Life of Madam C.J Walker, I play a woman by the name of Nettie Ransom. Nettie is a highly educated, very sweet, intelligent, proper wife of ‘Ransom’ played by Kevin Carrol. She is a member of the Indiana Coloured Woman’s Club where she helps Sarah Breedlove, played by Octavia Spencer start her business. Madam C.J. Walker was an entrepreneur, philanthropist, political and social activist. Being the wealthiest African-American businesswoman and wealthiest self-made woman in America around 1912, the story takes you on the ride of Madam C.J Walker’s life, her struggles, and her many blessings she encountered. The series is written by Nicole Jefferson Asher and A’Lelia Bundles who is Madam C.J Walker’s great-great-granddaughter. Every day on set was really a blessing. Working with Octavia Spencer on one of my first days was a trip. She was everything I thoughts she’d be. Real, honest, down to earth, takes her craft seriously and had that warm feeling like a motherly figure. We all danced, we laughed…a lot, we sang, we barely slept but we put our hearts into it. I think we made Madam C.J. Walker proud.

So how did you get into acting?

It all started in music for me. When I was young I used to sing at church with my mom and eldest sister Jamila. I went to Wexford CSA (Collegiate School for the Arts) in Scarborough, Toronto where I studied Drama Focus, Music Theatre and was in Dance Intensive for 4 in a half years. I wasn’t always in the arts though. I started as an athlete playing AA/AAA basketball, traveling to the states every weekend if not every other weekend. I was also heavily involved in sports at Wexford as well. I was juggling about 4-5 days a week in the gym while being in intensive rehearsals for both Drama Focus and our Music Theatre program per semester. By grade 10 I had to choose between what to put my full focus on, so I chose the arts. By the end of Grade 10, I got myself an agent in Toronto and the rest was history. Having the foundation of theatre helped me understand what I wanted to do and set the tone of how to approach my work.

Your big break came when you worked on the comedy feature film  ‘Guidance’ as Jabrielle Crain. The film made its world premiere at the 2014 Toronto International Film Festival. Please share your experience of working on this film.

Man, that feels like so long ago, but I had a blast filming with Patt Mills and the whole cast. Getting to work with Patt as the writer, director, and actor in the scene was a very freeing experience. He allowed a lot of play within the scenes. Like a lot. He kept what worked and ditched what didn’t. I remember us just improvising the majority of some scenes. Which turned out magical but I’m sure it was very difficult to cut in the editing room. Guidance was one of my best on-set experiences for simply not worrying about anything. I showed up, with obviously doing the work and knowing my lines but being super present in what was happening in the scene, allowed me to pull honest feelings. Patt created that ease despite the many hats he had to play on set. It was a pleasure then and I would do it all over again with Patt. Maybe I’ll tell him to write a part two following Jabrielle’s life. Haha just kidding!

You’ve appeared in several popular programs including Rookie Blue (ABC/GLOBAL), Cracked (CBC), Private Eyes (GLOBAL), Ransom (CBS/GLOBAL), Save Me(CBC GEM), and White Lie (TIFF 2019) Which have been your most enjoyable roles to date and why?

I’d have to say the most enjoyable role to date I’ve played was probably in Rookie Blue. I got to work with two of my very close guy friends who I consider brothers, Matthew Murray and Shaquan Lewis. At the time it was also a show that most of my friends did an episode on, so it was of course super rewarding when I booked my guest-starring episode. I just remember there being a lot of jokes on set and moments of gratitude that we all got to work together on a prime-time television show. The work didn’t feel like work at all while filming. I think making magic with your friends or family is something special. Something I want to continue doing. Create your stories. Hire your friends. Make beautiful memories, then do it all over again.

To date, what has been the biggest challenge you’ve faced as an actress?

Well, I’m a human before any sort of titles, so I’d say what’s been the biggest challenge I’ve faced is constantly creating balance in my life. Keeping that balance between work and play can be challenging so I try and keep a schedule and an array of things outside of work that makes me happy or requires me to get up and outside of my body. I find as an actress or actor, especially an aspiring one we can easily get into the mindset of the “hustle” and forget to just be and breathe. To enjoy the moments we’re experiencing and be grateful we’re even alive and well.

Are there any actors, directors, and producers you’d be overjoyed to work with?

There’s several on my bucket list but I’ll only tell you a few. I’ll start with actors first, Tom Hardy, Viola Davis, Shia LaBeouf, Jamie Foxx, Regina King (Wow…that was hard to narrow down). For directors is even harder but my top 3 currently would be Ryan Cooler, Jordan Peele, Ava DuVernay, oh wait also Steve McQueen! (That was 4, sorry!) As for producers, I would be more than happy to work with anyone of these people that also hold many other hats in the industry Lena Waithe, Spike Lee, and James Cameron.

Outside of acting, you’ve garnered national and international recognition as a singer. Collaborating with two-time Grammy award-winning producer Jordan Evans on a video for Black Lives Matter (Toronto). Please tell us more about this experience

If some of you don’t know Jordan is superhuman. He’s a diamond-selling Canadian record producer, songwriter and talent manager from Toronto. He’s worked with major recording artists like Jay-Z, Eminem, Drake, John Legend, Ellie Goulding, and Toronto’s very own Daniel Caesar. He’s also manages recording artists Charlotte Day Wilson, Daniel Caesar, and Sean Leon. Jordan and I go way back. Back to like diaper days – no lie. My sister grew up with Jordan’s oldest sister Reisa from JK/SK and so we all grew up together, considering each other family. Back in 2016 when a lot of the ”documented” gun violence was happening, along with the #BlackLivesMatter movement I teamed up with Karena Evans (award-winning director, actor and Jordan’s youngest sister) to use my voice as a platform for awareness and change. Jordan gracefully blessed us with his abilities in producing the full piece. This was my first time working with Jordan on this level and hopefully not the last.

Please tell us more about your involvement in the Black Women Film! Canada initiative?

Before we closed out 2019 I had the opportunity to work alongside the Black Woman Film! Canada at the Canadian Film Center grounds (where I was a part of the Actors Conservatory back in 2015). I was asked to join by CFC on helping the directors and writers with the material they had created. The whole purpose was to get them out of their heads and see their material on actors. It was dope to see my people create stories or direct me in such a way that I felt familiar with. We had a shorthand, an understanding.  Black Woman Film! Canada is dedicated to helping push the careers and skills of filmmakers who are black and identify with the Canadian African diaspora, I will forever and always support my own and my sisters.

Do you have anything else in the pipeline we can look forward to?

I’m currently working on my EP and plan to be releasing it in the coming months. It will be my first time releasing anything written of my own so I’m happy and excited and nervous all at the same time. I don’t want to say too much but it’s going to be a very special project.

So where can we keep up to date with your activities?

If y’all wanna be updated with what’s going on in my life and or just stork me (because you know we all do it)  follow me on @zahrabentham across all platforms! I’m most active on Instagram so stop by and say what’s up!

Images: Courtesy of Project Four PR

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