March 23, 2025

We had the wonderful opportunity to interview Kerry! Kerry Feirman is a reporter, actress, host, emcee, and producer. She’s known for her digital platform TALK TENNIS where she has celebrity guests and covers tennis news. Check out the interview below.

Hi, Kerry! Thank you for granting the interview. It is a pleasure to speak with you about your career. Tell us what inspired you to start “Talk Tennis?”

Ultimately what inspired me was, being a tennis fan myself, simply wanting to know more. More about the players, what they’re like as people. More about the behind the scenes. More breaking news and hot topics. Of course, the scores and statistics are important, but that info is and has always been readily available. It’s the information about the sport and the people involved in the sport, beyond just the on the court action, that always seemed to be so hush, hush with tennis. Tennis is historically a more conservative sport, but we are also in a new era. With the rise of the social media beast, people have access to so much information from so many various sources. Thus, it’s a lot easier to become bored with the same old content over and over again. People are a little nosier now. We want to know more than just surface level information. So, initially, this is what inspired me to create “Talk Tennis.” Create something that digs deeper in the world, something more entertaining, something different, something that exposes those fun nuggets of information, or perhaps that risqué gossip, those breaking stories . . . something that makes the sport more engaging to watch and be a part of for the tennis viewer, but also just for your everyday regular viewer who just wants to be entertained. This is what I as a viewer wanted more of and it didn’t exist, so why not create it!

Tell us about your digital platform.

The Talk Tennis platform is a new, innovative, and uncharacteristically unique peek into the tennis world. Whether the viewer is an avid tennis fan or just a casual viewer, Talk Tennis is engaging, entertaining, and informative for everyone! The platform is a little bit of everything when it comes to tennis. Up to date on all of the happenings in the tennis world, but also fun, exciting, entertaining, quirky at times, but most importantly, offering the viewer a glance into many elements of the sport, and inside stories, that aren’t covered by any other sources. The viewer will also get insight, opinions, and various perspectives, versus the typical run of the mill tennis, show that simply delivers the facts.  Tournaments, exclusive tennis events, red carpets, sit down interviews, news and breaking stories, gossip . . . The Talk Tennis platform is the Baskin-Robbins of tennis. Whatever tennis flavor you prefer, Talk Tennis has got what you want!

As a reporter, has it been a challenge to break into a male-dominated industry?

Without a doubt. I’ve been working on this platform for close to 6 years, and only within the last couple of years has the Talk Tennis platform really begun to pick up speed. The hurdles are endless though. As the viewer may notice, for the most part, the only female reporters tend to be older, ex-pro players. There, however, are plenty of male reporters that don’t have any past on-court experience. Behind the scenes, the scales definitely tip in the male direction as well. Being taken seriously, and having your voice and ideas heard can definitely be quite the obstacle. I often feel like I have to over prove myself because before I even open my mouth there has already been a truckload of judgment passed about me . . .my character, my skills, what I’m capable of. It’s exhausting, and quite frankly, can be a bit disheartening at times as well.

Kerry+Feirman+-+tennis+image+-retouch+7+copy+-+Kerry+FeirmanYou have overcome challenges to be where you’re at. How were you able to beat the odds?

Several reasons. As cliché as it may sound . . . persistence. The #1 reason talented, intelligent people don’t succeed is because they give up too soon. As much as we would all like to see overnight success, the odds of that happening are one in a million. Persistence and patience are key. Keep on keepin’ on! Eventually, the pieces will start to fall into place.

#2 – Sacrifice.  I have sacrificed a lot to get to the point that I am.  I’ve sacrificed, and continue to, a lot of social times, dating, trips, material wants, and so on, to work and build this brand every moment that I had.

#3 – Proactiveness. There is ALWAYS something to do. Always something to improve and build the brand, always people and other companies to get in contact with, always events and tournaments happening. . .Being proactive and constantly working on these things, searching for these new resources, not making excuses to procrastinate, is essential.

#4 – This is a tough one, but this may be the most important one. Only listen to, and take advice from, the people in your life that support you and that you are 100% sure have your best interest at heart. When I began Talk Tennis I had people that I considered good friends, even family, laugh at me and tell me that what I was doing was silly and a waste of time. It’s excruciatingly hard to tune these voices out. As many times as we tell ourselves that we don’t care what other people think, eventually everyone can be broken down. So, it’s crucial to either cut the negative people off as soon as they start speaking this way in regard to what you are pursuing or eliminate them from your circle altogether. Surrounding yourself with only positivity and support is of utmost importance.

While I may have wavered in these departments at the time, ultimately, I was able to come through and execute all of the things above, which were the keys for me in regard to knocking down walls.

What has been your biggest takeaway in hosting your digital platform, thus far?

That it’s a lot of work!! Haha. More so though, that nothing worthwhile comes easy. Hard work really does pay off, and at the end of the day, the harder you work for something, the sweeter the reward. And what’s sweeter than being able to live the life that you want to live?! If you build it . . . they will come!

I’ve also just been able to really get in tune with myself. As a host, being able to be comfortable and free with yourself is really what differentiates the good hosts from the great hosts. Through this process, I’ve really gotten in tune with who I am, my strengths, my weaknesses, my quirks . . .and I’ve learned to accept myself for who I am, flaws and all! Like a voice that could regularly be turned down a few decibels . . .If only I had a penny for every time someone told me to “stop yelling” when I wasn’t yelling . . .I really should have taken up singing, lol.

Kerry+Feirman+-+Feirman_Kerry_DSC_1489How can someone create success in their career?

Honestly, I’d say the points noted in question #4 would apply here as well. Overcoming challenges is ultimately a part of becoming successful. There’s no such thing as a successful person who’s made it to the top scotch free. 

If you could choose a topic to report on, what would it be and why?

Other than Tennis . . .I really love sports in general. I’ve recently begun to branch out a bit and report on other sports such as Golf, Football, Basketball, and Baseball as well. I grew up a big-time tomboy . . .bull cut and all (thanks mom and dad for allowing that, oy vey). I wanted to be just like my big brother, so I followed in his footsteps and played every sport under the sun. While as I got older and had to narrow down which sports I wanted to focus on, I really gained a great love for athletics in general as a child. Sports come with so many positive attributes and encouraging life lessons. The sports environment and energy, in general, is one that I particularly enjoy. So, I’d love to report more on sports beyond Tennis.

Another thing I would love to be able to report on . . .

Positivity is a fundamental feature of happiness. But in a world where there is so much hate and negativity around us all of the time, remaining positive can become trying at times. I would love to be able to go into various cities and neighborhoods around the world and do pieces on individuals that are making a difference for the better in their community, or even someone who is simply making a big impact on another individual. To constantly be surrounded by and reporting on things that would make me, and others, smile . . .how great would that be?! The news is so negative these days! I hesitate to watch the news often because I don’t want to see something that is going to put me in a funk and depressive mood for the rest of the day. How awesome would it be to have a news station/channel that only reports on positive things?! Be informed and educated about the good in the world! Always walk away with a smile on your face and an elated feeling running through your veins. That’s something I would love to be a part of. Surrounded every day by positivity!

Thus far, what has been the best experience working in the industry?

I get the honor of working with a lot of charities, and through this, I have had some really special experiences.

ACEing Autism is one of the charities that I frequently work with. ACEing Autism uses the sport of tennis to help autistic children, and their families, cope with the disability and enhance their quality of life through the sport of tennis. I’ve been able to meet some really special children, siblings, and parents by working with this program. I’ve also grown and learned a lot myself. I didn’t know much about Autism before working with ACEing Autism. To watch how these children brighten and blossom when they get on the court is a really incredible experience.

Another Foundation that I have worked with is, The Marty Hennessey Inspiring Children Foundation, out in Las Vegas. The Inspiring Children Foundation helps underprivileged children achieve college scholarships, through the sport of tennis. The foundation also helps to educate these children and provide them with a safe space where they can grow and evolve into prosperous adults. I will always hold a special spot in my heart for this foundation, and the people who run it. I blindly reached out to the founder, Ryan Wolfington, back when Talk Tennis was only in its infancy stages. The Foundation was holding a Gala Fundraiser, and I asked Ryan if I could have access to film the event and the Foundation in action. Ryan not only welcomed me with open arms, but he really went the extra mile to assure I got the best content possible. He even arranged for a sit down with him and some of the foundation’s children the day after the Gala to talk about the foundation and hear some of the children’s stories about how they have been affected and their lives changed by this incredible program. I watched the children tell stories about how the Foundation saved their lives. I watched Ryan brought to tears talking about the children and what the Foundation means to him. This was a really special experience for me. And to this day Ryan is one of my biggest cheerleaders.

Madisen’s match is another organization that I work with. The inception of this program was inspired by a little girl in Florida who was born with a terminal brain tumor. Through her entire life, she has had to endure an unfathomable amount of surgeries and procedures and medications. Yet through it all, Madisen remains one of the most charismatic, positive people I have ever met. You can’t control the cards that life deals you sometimes, but you can control how you react to your hand. Most people in Madisen’s shoes would be angry, resentful, depressed. Madisen is the best example of the kind of person we all should be. Thanks to the incredible efforts of Madisen’s uncle, Duane Chaney, and a team of compassionate, selfless people, Madisen’s Match has raised a tremendous amount of money to help fight this terrible disease, help other’s in similar situations get the care that they need, and work towards finding a cure. Through working with Madisen’s Match, I have become very close with Madisen and her family. Madisen and I check in regularly, and I am incredibly grateful for all of the things that I have learned from this amazing young woman.

Aside from these events, I have been fortunate enough to meet so many incredible people, and make so many wonderful new friends, along the way. I’ve met people that I’ve idolized since I was a child. I’ve worked with women and men who inspire me daily. I’ve added so many great people and experiences to my life, and I am incredibly grateful for this.

Kerry+Feirman+-+tennis+image+-+retouch+12+copy+-+Kerry+FeirmanDo you have any upcoming projects that we haven’t mentioned?

I do! I take off for Washington DC at the end of this week for the Citi Open. I work closely with a company called AYS Sports Marketing. They put on one of the most exclusive pre-tournament events called, Citi Taste of Tennis. This event takes place before The BNP Paribas Open in Indian Wells, The Miami Open, The US Open, and now this will be the first year in DC during the Citi Open. I’m really looking forward to checking out and covering the first DC Taste of Tennis! I’ll also be on the grounds a bit during the first few days of the tournament.

After DC, the next trip is to New York for the US Open. There AYS has TONNNSS of pre-tournament events. I’ll basically be running from one to the next, like a chicken with my head cut off, the week before the tournament starts. So, look out for that coverage on my social media, website, and YouTube! Gonna be some exciting insider peeks into these events that surround the majors, that there is barely any coverage of! Talk Tennis will be on the scene and will get the juice!

As for my own personal digital network, Talk Tennis will always be my baby, but I just might have something bigger and more all sport encompassing on the horizon. I can’t say too much, but I’m super excited and can’t wait till the launch!

Additionally, the Talk Tennis Racquet bag is finally live and for sale on the Talk Tennis Website.  To view, and/or purchase, go to –, and go to the “shop” tab.  This bag was a collaboration with a high-end handbag and racquet bag company Louise & Eleanor, and I could not be happier with how it turned out! Finally, us ladies who love to be fashion forward, but still maintain that competitive drive, have a bag that embrace’s it all. The elegance of a luxury handbag, but the shape and functionality of a competitive tennis player racquet bag.  Making heads turn on and off the court. 😉

Complete this sentence, if I had an opportunity to do anything I want, I would do ___________.

Making Talk Tennis the #1 digital source for all things tennis is absolutely the goal. Anytime anyone thinks of tennis, wants to know something about tennis, wants to just get a laugh or see what’s exciting and new in the tennis world, I want Talk Tennis to be the source that immediately comes to mind. I also want those viewers who aren’t necessarily avid tennis fans to gravitate towards Talk Tennis simply because the platform is entertaining and fun, and the content is enjoyable for ALL. I want to continue to grow the company and the team and continue to host and write and produce shows for the platform.

Eventually, I would also like to see some dreams outside of the work forum come to life. . .specifically one.  Animals have always held a powerful spot in my heart. When I was young my parents would take me to volunteer at the animal shelters in the Bay Area where I grew up.  As an adult, I became more involved in the animal rescue community. And WOW was it a harsh reality to face seeing what so many of these beautiful, selfless, loyal, loving creatures have to go through in this world. The abuse, the overpopulation, the breed discrimination, people’s ignorance and lack of care, and don’t even get me started on the dog and cat meat trade. Just sticking to the USA, we have 4-5 MILLION animals being needlessly euthanized every year SIMPLY due to overpopulation issues, and space issues at the shelters. I dream every day about having the time and the financial capacity to buy a large plot of land somewhere and build a massive sanctuary for animals. A place where good families can adopt, but also a place where those animals that do not get chosen, don’t get euthanized simply for not being wanted, for humanity failing them.  A place where ALL animals ARE wanted. Any animal that comes through the sanctuary can live its life out there, and a life filled with freedom and love. There will be fields to play in, staff to give love and make sure everything is always clean and all of the animals are treated like the kings and queens that they are, on-site vets for any illnesses, and so on. I dream of the day that we are a no-kill country. I hope that day comes. But if I could do anything right now other than continuing to build the Talk Tennis Brand that I love so much, making this sanctuary a reality would most definitely be it. One day this will happen, mark my words.

Tennis, Animals, and Leopard Print . . .my 3 favorite things.

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