How long have you been painting and where do you get your inspiration from?
I have been painting digitally for close to 10 years but I only started painting on canvas in the fall of 2017.
What is your favorite medium and why?
My favorite medium is acrylic on canvas. I love the outcome and it allows me to create larger pieces. Also, personally, I have come to notice people appreciate that art more than the ones I had been doing before.
Please tell us more about your ‘Lines in Perfect Places’ series of work?
Lines in perfect places is basically an art that involves using the white acrylic painting on a black background. The white painting shows a connection between words or shapes that are relevant or particular to the subject of art being painted itself. Ensuring that unique shapes and symbols are showcased in the painting. The name was given by my partner and best friend, Temilola. She had seen a couple of my white painting on black backgrounds and said ‘lines have fallen in perfect places’. And that’s why I have chosen it for my Concept of white painting on black backgrounds.
Historically, there has been much discussion about the pros and cons of studying art at college. Some argue is supports creativity whilst others argue it hinders it. As a self-taught artist, what is your view?
As I haven’t been to a College to study art, I really won’t know what it is like. But I always wish I went to college to study art. Because I feel I can know more about the history of art and what is peculiar to every community as regarding art. Hence, even though I am self-taught I’d still like to study art someday. Maybe not studying art in its entirety but an aspect of it. Finally, college might hinder your creativity but it can’t hinder your style.
How does the Canadian art scene differ to that of Lagos, Nigeria?
Well, there’s a lot of difference in terms of exposure but not so much difference in terms of style. An artist in Lagos might use oil to paint an AFRICAN woman on canvas, and a Canadian can use that same medium to paint a fall or winter scenery but with a different style. Also, the Canadian art is closer to art hubs like New York, Montreal and the likes that embrace and breathe art on daily basis. Lagos on the order hand is working more on gaining exposure for its art and artists and there has been a lot of talented artists that have emerged from Lagos and Nigeria as a whole. In Toronto where I live in presently, there’s always an art exhibition or event. Art is like a culture here. Lagos is really doing well, but we can do better and I see that happing very soon. You can check out the hashtag #wearenigeriancreatives on Twitter to see so many awesome art from Lagos and Nigeria as a whole.
Do you think Canadian galleries are diverse enough with their representation of art and artist?
Yes, I think so and they are really doing well. I was surprised during the black history month and the showcase of different artist in various Canadian museums exhibiting during the black history month. However, I can only speak for Toronto. I don’t know what it is like yet in other cities.
Your art is very distinctive and brings visibility of West African art to Toronto. Are there any particular themes or subject matters we should see in future work?
Thank you! Yes definitely. I am learning more about how to do hyperrealism paintings as I have a few concepts that I’d like to bring to life with the portrait paintings of Mona Lisa and Vincent van Gogh.
What are your immediate plans and where will you be exhibiting next?
I have a couple of exhibitions that I have been invited to and I’d like to go for as many as such so I can network with other artists as well. Also, I am working on some art pieces that will feature all the maps of the countries in Africa which I call “Accessorizing Africa”. This will be part of the art I will be showcasing in my upcoming exhibition in July.
Connect with Babatunde:
Web: https://ayokadeco.com/search?
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/