Our managing editor of Your Film Review™ had an opportunity to interview DUBO. Check it out below!
Hi, DUBO (Digital Urban Box Office)! Thank you for granting the interview. You’ve created one amazing platform for creators. I’m very excited about it! You host everything from short films to pilots. Tell me more.
One of our goals is to get as many stories heard or seen by as many people possible. We believe stories, told through films or shows, change people. They change how people see the world, as well as how people see themselves. We focus on short films and web series because they are great ways to tell impactful stories in a short amount of time. Instead of watching one movie or show, people can watch several anywhere at any time, each one potentially affecting how they interact with the world. Simply put, if we can change one person at a time, then eventually we can change the world.
By leveraging technology, building a community of viewers, filmmakers and film festivals, and empowering each of them to encourage and support the other, we can disrupt the traditional Hollywood model and change things for the better. By giving creators the resources and support needed, they can continue to make more shows and films. By giving viewers access through streaming and mobile devices, we allow them to watch amazing stories anywhere in the world. By including film festivals, we help them promote and recognize content creators while bringing more attention and patrons to their events. It’s a synergistic relationship that affects everyone involved and a strategy that we hope will change the game.
You also created a way for creators to earn money through revenue sharing. Tell me more.
Revenue sharing is one of the ways we empower content creators. It takes money to create content and as creators ourselves we wanted to create a situation that speaks to our commitment. Currently, creators earn 70% of all revenue generated from the site, which includes ads (on the free version) and eventually subscriptions. In addition to that creators can also get funded from the site. Users can fund the creator on the site through their profile page or their content page within a few clicks. Our fees are generally cheaper than other platforms.
You believe your platform can open doors and generate opportunities for creators. How so?
Aside from the revenue sharing and funding that we mentioned, we’re also partnering with film festivals and agencies. We’re currently adding some to the site as we speak. By partnering with them, we help generate opportunities for exposure as well as representation. In addition to that, by creating a curated platform with a brand for well produced and amazing talent and content, those looking for writers, producers, directors or talent, will know that DUBO is a place that they can find what they’re looking for. In that respect, our visionaries to one day be what the NCAA is for professional football or basketball, but for content creation and talent.
I know this may be obvious, but why did you choose to name your company DUBO (Digital Urban Box Office)?
Growing up we watched HBO, which at the time was the destination for new and cutting-edge content. So our name plays off of that as we too look to be the destination for great content in today’s environment. We’re in a digital world, so incorporating technology was also key to our identity and we serve the urban market. When you put it all together you get Digital urban Box Office or DUBO. We even liked the way DUBO sounds in acronym form. Ultimately we want that to be the equivalent of Google in that it’s become a verb. I Google all the time. That’s to say I search for things online. We want people to DUBO, which is to say, watch amazing short-form content on the go or wherever they are. Do you DUBO?
Who or what inspired the creation of this platform?
Several years ago, we went to a film festival and saw amazing shorts and web series and realized that many had a hard time monetizing their content. They were great stepping-stones for features and more traditional content, but people weren’t even looking to monetize it. We realized there was an opportunity there. And with the world’s attention span getting shorter and shorter, we realized there was an opportunity to bring short-form content to the masses. So that inspired us to bring DUBO to fruition.
Tell me about the process of submitting a video.
There’s a submission button on the website. So when people visit mydubo.com, they can click on it and submit that way. They can also email us at info@mydubo.com. We ask that people include links to the content for us to review. We accept trailers, but often times need to see the actual content to make a determination. Sometimes we get content that we can’t immediately approve, so we’ll send feedback on ways to improve the content to where we can approve it. We always want to help creators get better at their craft, so even if we can’t immediately accept it, we support them via the feedback and encourage them to resubmit. If they are approved, we’ll send the content licensing agreement and go from there.
Do you have any plans for expansion?
We do, in terms of including feature-length and traditional length content. And while, we’re currently available on most of the major streaming devices (i.e. Amazon Fire, Android, Apple TV, iOS, ROKU as well as Airplay and Chromecast), we’re looking to be on all of them as want as many people possible to DUBO.
Thus far, what has been the best experience working with creators?
The experience has been great. We’ve had the chance to get to know the needs of various creators and how we can better serve them. We’ve gotten the change to see how excited some have been, knowing that they’re not alone. We believe a rising tide lifts all boats, so when you see them promoting the platform via their social media channels, we know that it helps everyone. So the camaraderie and community that we’re building have been the best part so far.
Do you have any upcoming features that you haven’t mentioned?
We’re always looking for a way to improve and add to what we do. I can’t go into some of the things we’re working on now, but I can say it’s about innovating in the space. OTT (Over-the-top) or streaming services is the wave now, but it’s still new and can definitely be improved. So our goal long term is to find ways to improve the user experience and be at the forefront of where this technology is going.
Complete this sentence; if I had an opportunity to do anything I want, I would do ___________.
I would do exactly what I’m doing now, which is working on a platform that empowers people. Empowers them to create, to tell their stories, to change perspectives, to change lives, to change the world. I’m getting a chance to meet amazing people. I’m getting a chance to learn and to me, those two things are great because it’s about the journey and I’m really enjoying the journey that we’re on.
Connect with DUBO:
Website: https://www.mydubo.com/
Twitter: https://twitter.com/mydubo
Instagram: https://www.instagram.com/mydubo/