Seven And Me is a children’s program that follows a little girl named ‘Snow’, who...
Arts and Entertainment
Jumanji: Welcome to the Jungle is a follow-up film to the 1995 classic, Jumanji. ...
At first glance, you would expect this artist to come off with a really...
The artist has a rap-singing combination that works very well. Lyrically these guys really...
Forever a real earthy tune. It makes you feel like you are connected to...
David Lester is a director, producer, and writer based in Toronto. Having been obsessed...
Long ago in a galaxy, far, far away . . . And into the...
MINOR SPOILERS – READ AT YOUR OWN RISK What is a Star Wars movie...
Wes Tate has a short film called, “Saturday”, in which he stars and co-wrote....
Bright is the newest Netflix produced a feature film, backed by the biggest budget...