Dean Michael Martinez, better known as recording artist Michael Dean, is ready for the...
Tasha Hardy is a writer and producer with extensive experience in film and video....
The ferocious metal quintet ‘In Fear’ have been unstoppable since its formation in 2017....
Steve Balderson’s Gothic Love Story Alchemy of the Spirit is currently streaming on Amazon...
Sala Baker, known to Lord of the Rings fans as Sauron, stars in the...
Red Water Entertainment has announced its first release of the new year: the North...
Nashville indie and pop-punk riser Jack The Underdog is releasing a new ‘Acoustic Variants’ EP,...
Ruben Rodriguez’s found footage horror film The Death of April, starring Amy Rutledge, is...
Writer/director Vibeke Muasya’s unnerving Danish horror-thriller ‘Twisted’ is currently in selected theaters and available...
New York rapper and Golden Gloves Boxer Paul Rello has released his third single “Glory”....