Independent film distribution company Breaking Glass Pictures has announced the release of “Candela” on...
Film Director
Quentin Lee is a multimedia creator and has directed and produced over ten feature...
Born and raised in Chicago, Brian has always loved movies. He wrote his first...
Keith Andreen grew up in Tulsa, Oklahoma, where he developed a passionate love for...
Marcellus Cox is a writer/director from Los Angeles, California with a plethora of awards...
Mickey Hardaway wraps up its film festival run with a west coast premiere at...
From the mind of the Final Destination creator, Cineverse Entertainment has announced the revenge...
In the wake of the slew of deadly fires in Oregon, California, Colorado, Washington,...
Fyre Rises is an independent UK action film written and directed by Paul Knight,...
Country of Hotels is a new horror-mystery-thriller from Terror Films and director Julio Maria Martino. The...