This is the true story of Alan McGee, a man from a relatively impoverished...
The intrinsic relationship between words and music is perfectly embodied in Sara Serpa’s Intimate...
A crime thriller led by a diverse cast, The Scrapper is available to purchase...
Bennet De Brabandere’s Ankle Biters is currently on digital release via Dark Star Pictures....
Tel Aviv based singer-songwriter Roni Bar Hadas began her musical journey as a classical...
Pale Wizard Records pays tribute to Alice Cooper’s classic Killer record, the first in...
This personal subject matter surrounding 3 US Military Soldiers written and directed by Eric...
Written and directed by Gary Jones, Assault from Death Block 13 stars Charles Bronson...
The passing of anyone is hard to accept, especially when they’ve left an indelible...
Barbudo delivers pop-funk with polished musicianship and pizzazz from their studio in the south...