The film centers on the protagonist Dan, waiting outside a local club for a...
This October, The Haves and the Have Nots’ actress Danielle Deadwyler stars in The Devil...
Set in the Netherlands during the Second World War, ‘Shattered’ tells the story of...
Nothing is wasted in this first full-length documentary directed by Andrei Bowden-Schwartz and Sam...
Novatines, the Bath-based alternative rock band releases their latest explosive track ‘Honey’ to this...
Critically acclaimed composer and arranger Mark Masters takes on a journey down memory lane...
Molly Warburton is establishing herself as an accomplished artist. She has been gigging since...
Ni/Co comprises of artists Dani and Colton. Growing up in Atlanta, Dani found herself...
Grammy award-winning composer and bandleader Maria Schneider has taken on the fight for musicians...
Singer Lina shines with a voice that belies her years on her new single...